iKanji touch N5 - Japanese Kanji Study

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라이프 스타일 교육
개발자: ThinkMac Software
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iKanji touch N5 is a powerful kanji study and training tool covering JLPT N5 and school grade 1 kanji.


- JLPT N5* and school grade 1 kanji (110 kanji in total)
- Universal app with full iPad, iPhone 6 and 6 plus support.
- Kanji searching by radical parts
- Reference ‘cards’ for each kanji with readings, stroke count, radical etc.
- List of example words for each kanji.
- Leitner System based spaced repetition Teach Me mode.
- Reading test to quiz you on kanji readings (onyomi and kunyomi).
- Meaning test to practice your ability to recognise the English meaning of a given kanji.
- Compound test to complete words by filling in the missing kanji.
- Stroke order test to practice writing kanji (not available for all kanji yet).
- Search for kanji by readings, stroke count or meaning.
- Ability to create multiple practice sets and track wrongly answered kanji.
- Vocabulary browser with N5 level words
- Hear vocabulary pronounced using the Japanese text-to-speech facility

Please note all kanji readings (onyomi and kunyomi) are in hiragana and katakana only. Romaji is not used in this application. A kana chart is provided for reference.

*JLPT sets are based on kanji usually taught at these levels and are not based on official listings for current tests.